If you’re looking for a list of Thanksgiving related words, then you’re in the right place! Keep on reading for all of the words, expressions, and phrases related to Thanksgiving that you need to know.

Words associated with Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Related Words, Part 1
Check out these common Thanksgiving slang and idioms.
Turkey Day
A casual term for Thanksgiving Day.
Cold turkey
Stopping something suddenly. For example, smoking.
Count your blessings
To reflect on and appreciate the good things in your life.
Stuffed as a turkey
Feeling very full after a big meal.
Food coma
The sleepiness you feel after a very big meal.
Gravy train
A situation where someone enjoys easy success or good fortune.
Turkey trot
A Thanksgiving long-distance run.
Wobble like a turkey
To stumble or stagger, often due to overindulgence.
Black Friday
The day after American Thanksgiving, where you can usually find the best shopping deals of the year.
Words Related to Thanksgiving, Part 2
Let’s get into some more Thanksgiving slang.
Talk turkey
To have a serious and honest conversation.
Gobble gobble
The sound a turkey makes. It is sometimes used to express enthusiasm.
Pass the gravy
Request for additional help or assistance.
Carve out a niche
To establish a unique and profitable position in a particular market or area.
You may also want to check this out: Expressions and Phrases for the New Year.
Cornucopia of blessings
An abundance of good things and opportunities.
Gobble up
To eat something very quickly.
Feast your eyes
To enjoy and appreciate the beauty or abundance of something.
Give thanks from the bottom of your heart
To express genuine gratitude and appreciation.
Baste in the glory
To revel in one’s achievements or success.
Tofu + Turkey = Tofurkey. A fake turkey that is vegan.
Drumstick of destiny
An opportunity or chance that can lead to great success.
Sweet as pie
Extremely pleasant and delightful.
Even More Thanksgiving!
- Thanksgiving trivia
- Would you rather Thanksgiving edition
- ESL Thanksgiving Activities (for teachers)
Thanksgiving Related Words: Join the Conversation
Do you have any words or idioms related to Thanksgiving that you’d like us to add to the list? Leave a comment and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!