About ESL Activities
ESL activities: games, activities and resources is designed by Jackie Bolen, a long-time blogger over at My Life! Teaching in a Korean University and ESL Speaking. You can find all her projects, including 70+ books published on Amazon at jackiebolen.com. She writes about teaching English and also helps learners improve their English skills.
She has been working in Korea for the past ten years teaching kindergarten kids to adults and the ABCs to advanced academic writing, although these days, you can most often find her teaching very advanced level students at the university level. Her favourites subjects to teach are TOEIC test preparation, academic writing, business English and conversations and public speaking.
She combines this varied experience of teaching English to all levels with her Cambridge CELTA and DELTA certifications to bring you some ESL teaching awesome and solid advice you can trust. Please feel free to get in touch with her if you have any questions about Teaching ESL/EFL around the world.
Jackie obtained both the Cambridge CELTA and DELTA English teaching certifications, achieving above the standard in all courses.

Celta, Pass B

Delta Module One

Delta Module Three
Jackie is an active member of KOTESOL, a professional development organization for English teachers in South Korea. Besides serving the local chapter in various roles (webmaster, secretary, vice-president), she has given presentations at numerous national and international conferences on various topics.

Kotesol presentation: How to teach speaking

Kotesol presentation: Reward systems that actually work
Here to Help You!
Are you ready to make your ESL classes even better and your lesson planning quicker than ever? Well, cruise around on this site for a few minutes and I give you my personal guarantee that you’ll find games and activities that you can use in your very next class. Who doesn’t want to save time and make your classes even more awesome?
Maybe your experience has been kind of like mine-you have spent way, way too much time searching around on the Internet for something fresh, new and interesting for your students but you came away empty handed and wasted an hour or more.
It was maybe kind of like searching for a needle in a haystack. I too had the same frustration which is why I created this site! I want it to be a resource that teachers can turn to in those last few minutes before class when you need something.
I hope you’ll keep coming back for more ESL activities and games! The key to awesome classes is some serious variety, and ESL Activities will help you do exactly that!
If you want to get in touch with me, please send me an email at jb.business.online@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you and I’ll do my best to help you out with whatever you need. Or, just say hello and it’d make my day!
Happy teaching!
Find Jackie on Social Media
You can easily find Jackie on social media at the following places:
Facebook: English Teacher’s Abroad Group
Business Enquiries
Please contact me (Jackie Bolen) at jb.business.online@gmail.com
I’m sure we can find a way to work together. Let’s talk about it!
Contact Jackie Bolen at jb.business.online@gmail.com