Welcome to the Let’s Talk TEFL podcast with Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Smith. We’re going to discuss everything ESL/EFL teaching, including experiences teaching abroad, activity and game ideas, teaching tips, interviews with old friends, and more. Come join us in the Let’s Talk TEFL teacher’s lounge for some inspiration and entertainment!
Let’s Talk TEFL Episodes
Have a look here to stay up to date with all the episodes.
Episode 64: Tips for Teaching Adult Beginners (July 5, 2024)
Jackie talks about all things teaching English to adult beginners. Teaching ESL to lower-level adults can be quite tricky because they often lack confidence. Here are some tips and tricks for building confidence, including making the class as student-centred as possible, doing a needs analysis and focusing on vocabulary.
Episode 63: Test Prep (How to Prepare Students for the IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC/CELPIP) (June 21, 2024)
Jackie and Jennifer talk all things preparing students for English proficiency exams like the TOEFL, TOIEC, CELPIP, or IELTS. We give some tips and tricks, strategies, and things to avoid like the plague. Help students improve their English exam scores with these pro-level tips!
Episode 62: Task Based Learning and Teaching (June 7, 2024)
Jackie and Jennifer talk all things task-based learning and teaching. Level up your English classes with all ages and levels by incorporating some task-based activities. We talk about the reasons to use this style of lesson, as well as some of the classic activities to use.
Episode 61: Top 10 ESL Games and Activities for Adults (May 24, 2024)
Check out my top 10 ESL games and activities for adults. The key to better English classes is a wide variety of engaging and interactive activities and this podcast episode will help you get there in style!
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 157 Pages - 09/12/2023 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Episode 60: Tips for Teaching English for Specific Purposes (May 17, 2024)
Check out these tips for teaching English for specific purposes, including medical English, aviation English, tourism English, business English, and more. The tips include using role-plays, focusing on vocabulary, helping students get the results they need, and doing a needs analysis.
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 106 Pages - 01/22/2024 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Episode 59: Top 10 Tips for Newbie English Teachers (May 10, 2024)
Check out these tips for newbie English teachers, including learning names, ICQs and CCQs, using positive reinforcement, lesson planning, and more. If you are doing a training course like the CELTA or TEFL, or have only been teaching for a few months or a year, this is the episode for you! It’s packed with helpful tips and tricks from a classroom veteran.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 171 Pages - 02/07/2024 (Publication Date)
Episode 58: ESL Flashcard Games and Activities for Young Learners (May 3, 2024)
Try out some of my favourite flashcard games and activities for teaching young English learners. They are an excellent way to teach vocabulary and basic English grammar, especially to beginners.
Episode 57: How to Quiet a Noisy Classroom (April 19, 2024)
Check out these tips and tricks for how to quiet down noisy students. Also, find out the things you should absolutely NOT do when it comes to classroom management.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 211 Pages - 12/21/2022 (Publication Date)
Episode 56: How to be a Confident English Teacher, Top 10 Tips (April 4, 2024)
If you want to be a more confident English teacher, you’ll want to check out this episode as Jackie shares her top 10 tips and tricks for gaining confidence in teaching. Be sure to check out this book on Amazon as well: ESL/EFL Teaching Practice and Methodology.
Episode 55: Teaching Business English (March 22, 2024)
If you teach business English, you’ll want to check out this episode as Jennifer and Jackie talk everything lesson plan ideas, activities, tips, tricks, and a whole lot more. Should you use a textbook for business English? Find out here! Be sure to check out this resource on Amazon as well: Business English Vocabulary Builder.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 91 Pages - 11/25/2020 (Publication Date)
Episode 54: Saint Patrick’s Day ESL Games, Activities, and Lesson Plan Ideas (March 11, 2024)
If you want some fun ideas for St. Patrick’s Day ESL lessons, have a listen! Jackie shares all of her tips and tricks for how to fun a fun Saint Patrick’s Day lesson with your students.
Episode 53: First Lesson Ideas for ESL/EFL Teachers (March 8, 2024)
If you want to know what to do during that first ESL or EFL lesson, have a listen! Jackie and Jennifer share all of their tips and tricks for what to do during the first English class, along with some of their favourite ESL icebreaker activities. And, find out how to set yourself up for success during the rest of the semester. And, check out this book on Amazon: 39 ESL Icebreakers.
Episode 52: Fun Food and Drink ESL Activities (Feb 23, 2024)
The food unit is a classic in most ESL textbooks, especially for beginners and intermediates. However, talking about food and drinks can get a little bit boring for the students, and the teacher as well, so mix things up with some of these ESL food games and activities.
Episode 51: Top 10 ESL Teacher Mistakes (and How to Avoid or Fix Them) (Feb 9, 2024)
Do you want to level up your English teaching? I’m sure you do! Then keep on reading for my top 10 ESL teacher mistakes and how to avoid or fix them. Don’t worry, it’s actually not that difficult to avoid these common English teacher mistakes.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 171 Pages - 02/07/2024 (Publication Date)
Episode 50: ESL Modal Games and Activities (Jan 27, 2024)
Modals (may, can, might, should, etc.) is a common unit in many beginner and intermediate ESL textbooks. Find out all the tips, tricks, games and activities you need to help students master English modals in style, plus have a bit of fun in the process.
Episode 49: Top 7 Tips for Teaching English Conversation (Jan 12, 2023)
If you want to teach ESL/EFL like a boss, then you’ll need to check out these 7 tips for teaching English conversation. They include:
- Student-centred teaching
- Thinking time
- Feedback
- Graded language
- ESL Lesson planning
- Q & A
- Follow-up questions
Level up your English conversation classes for all ages and levels. This book will also help you get there: ESL/EFL Teaching Practice and Methodology.
Episode 48: New Year’s ESL Games and Activities (Dec 27, 2023)
Have some fun celebrating New Year’s Eve with these game and activity ideas, including resolutions, a task-based project, and making some predictions.
Episode 47: Christmas Lesson Plan Ideas for ESL/EFL Teachers (Dec 15, 2023)
If you want to celebrate Christmas with your English learners, have a listen to this episode to do it in style! Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things cultural considerations, Christmas ESL games and activities, fun holiday ideas for all teachers, and more.
Episode 46: Tips for Teaching ESL to Teenagers (Nov 24, 2023)
If you teach teens, have a listen to this valuable episode, filled with all kinds of tips and tricks for teaching English to teenagers.
Episode 45: No Prep ESL/EFL Games and Activities (Nov 10, 2023)
If you often need an ESL game or activity at the last minute, this episode is for you! Have a listen to find out Jackie and Jennifer’s favourite no-prep (or very low prep) TEFL games and activities for those last-minute classes, as time-fillers, or in whatever teaching emergency you might find yourself in.
Be sure to check out the book: 71 Absolutely No Prep TEFL Games and Activities (on Amazon)
Episode 44: Teaching English in Spain with Harrison Fowler/RVF International (Nov 3, 2023)
Harrison Fowler is the founder and CEO of RVF International, an organization that places English teachers in Spain. Join in with us as we chat about reasons to consider teaching ESL there, the pros and cons, the visa process, job opportunities, comparisons between teaching English in South Korea and Spain, and more.
If you want to teach English in Spain or just want some more information about it, contact Harrison and his team through their website. They’d be happy to set up a chat to discuss teaching opportunities.
Episode 43: Our Global Lingua Franca with Gregory V. Diehl (Oct 27, 2023)
Gregory V. Diehl joins the podcast to talk about his new book (Our Global Lingua Franca), which explores the cultural and economic importance of spreading English as a universal language. It’s based on his experience having taught in more than a dozen countries and observing the persistent flaws that prevent the majority of learners from developing even conversational English fluency, let alone true fluency.
Gregory V. Diehl is a business and personal development author who writes for deep thinkers unsatisfied with ordinary approaches to important subjects. His work often deconstructs and challenges cultural narratives and practices.
Episode 42: Professional Development Ideas for English Teachers (July 21, 2023)
Jackie and Jennifer talk all things professional development for teachers, including courses, teaching organizations, learning new tech, collaboration with colleagues, blogging, books, and a whole lot more.
Episode 41: Teaching ESL/EFL When You’re Not at Your Best (June 30, 2023)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things teaching when you’re not at your best due to a physical problem, mental health issue, burnout, etc. We have lots of strategies and activity ideas to take the load off and help you teach effectively, but not in a tiring way.
Episode 40: AI/ChatGPT and Implications for Language Teachers and Learners (June 16, 2023)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things AI/ChatGPT as they relate to English teachers and English learners. We discuss how, when, and why AI can be useful for people who are learning English. Then, we talk about some time-saving ideas for teachers.
Check out the inspirations for this episode:
New York City Public School Drop Ban on ChatGPT
50 Ways Teachers Can Use ChatGPT to Save Time (Etacude English Teachers)
Episode 39: Fun End of the Year/Last Day of Class Activities (May 28, 2023)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things end of the year and the last day of class games and activities. Have some fun with your students celebrating the end. Some ideas include a memory book, thank-you notes, fun competitions, and more.
Episode 38: How to Foster Independent English Learners (February 24, 2023)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things fostering independent English learners. What good is a language class if students can’t go out into the real world and use that language? Not that much!
That’s why we’re all about encouraging our students in their journey toward independent learning as much as possible. Have a listen and find out some tips, tricks, homework, and activity ideas.
If you want to know more about how to teach English, you’ll definitely want to check out this book on Amazon:
ESL/EFL Teaching Practice and Methodology.
Episode 37: Teaching ESL/EFL to Beginners (February 13, 2023)
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 227 Pages - 10/11/2022 (Publication Date)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about all things teaching ESL/EFL to beginners. Pick up some tips, along with some of our go-to ESL games and activities when teaching English to lower-level students.
Episode 36: Making Money Online for ESL Teachers (December 9, 2022)
Jennifer interviews Jackie about her online business and making money through websites, books, and her YouTube channel. Learn how to start your own side gig when teaching abroad and some of the most common mistakes to avoid. Get your side hustle for English teachers on!
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 162 Pages - 01/29/2018 (Publication Date)
Episode 35: Holidays Far From Home When Teaching Abroad (November 22, 2022)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about holidays when you’re far from home, teaching in another country. They share their experiences, along with tips and tricks for making Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter the best time possible when you’re teaching English abroad.
Episode 34: Thanksgiving ESL Games, Activities and Lesson Plans (November 4, 2022)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about everything ESL thanksgiving games, activities, and other lesson plan ideas. Find out all the top tips & tricks to have some great Thanksgiving ESL lessons with children as well as adults. Should ESL Thanksgiving activities be purely fun or educational as well? Have a listen and find out!
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 78 Pages - 03/22/2021 (Publication Date)
Episode 33: ESL Halloween Games, Activities, and Lesson Plan Ideas (October 21, 2022)
We love to celebrate Halloween with our students! Check out this episode for some of our favourite ESL Halloween games and activities, along with other tips and ideas for making a solid lesson plan.
Should Halloween lesson plans be pure fun or contain an educational element as well? Have a listen to the episode and find out.
Episode 32: Episode 32: Mother’s and Father’s Day ESL Activities With Eric from Etacude English Teachers (July 15, 2022)

Eric from Etacude English Teachers
If you teach English, then I’m sure you need more fun and engaging ESL games, activities, teaching tips and advice. Eric from Etacude English Teachers joins me and shares his ideas for Mother’s and Father’s Day lessons, along with plenty of tips, tricks, and solid advice for teaching in general.
We talk about connecting with parents and also how to connect English to real life outside the classroom. Eric has lots of great ideas and is quite inspiring. His students are lucky to have him!
We talk about making cards, writing letters, coupon books, biographies, and more. Have a listen and you’re sure to find some inspiration for a Mother’s, Father’s or parent’s Day lesson plan. Thanks so much for joining us Eric and I hope that everyone listening finds this episode as helpful as I did.
You can find Eric online here:
Etacude English Teachers (check out his popular live streams for English teachers on Sunday nights)
Episode 31: Top 5 ESL Activities for Young Learners With Stuart from TEFL Lemon (July 1, 2022)

Stuart Allen from TEFL Lemon
If you teach English to children, then I’m sure you need more fun and engaging ESL games and activities. Stuart from TEFL Lemon joins me and shares his top 5 ESL activities for young learners, along with plenty of tips, tricks, and solid advice for teaching the young ones!
We talk about the box, the ball and sack, make a match, running dictation, and production line. Have a listen and you’re sure to find an activity or game to take with you to your very next English class! Thanks so much for joining us Stuart and I hope you find this episode as helpful as I did.
You can find Stuart online here:
TEFL Lemon (website)
TEFL Lemon (YouTube channel)
Episode 30: Teaching English in Spain with Jaime from ESL Teacher 365 (June 24, 2022)
Find out everything you need to know about teaching English in Spain with Jaime from ESL Teacher 365. We talk about the various kinds of jobs, how she ended up teaching ESL in Spain, some activities for the classroom, and then her future plans in the world of education.
Thanks so much to Jaime for sharing her experience and knowledge about TEFL in Spain. Give her a follow on the socials. You can find her right here:
Episode 29: Tips for English Learners (June 13, 2022)
Our students always ask us how they can improve their English ability. Here are the top 10 tips that we give them, including making SMART goals, extensive reading and listening, as well as keeping a language-learning journal.
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 441 Pages - 03/05/2021 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Episode 28: ESL Sentence Structure Games, Activities, and Lesson Plan Ideas (March 18, 2022)
Find out all the details you need to know about teaching students to make better sentences in English. Here is an article to check out for even more ideas: ESL Sentence Structure Activities.
Episode 27: Spring Holiday Activities for TEFL Classes (Feb. 25, 2022)
Join Jackie and Jennifer as they talk about activities and games for various holidays, including Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day and more.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 78 Pages - 03/22/2021 (Publication Date)
Episode 26: How to Teach English Vocabulary (February 4, 2022)
Jackie and Jennifer discuss how to teach vocabulary to English learners, including ESL vocab activities, ideas for at-home study, along with other helpful ideas. Have a listen!
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 70 Pages - 11/28/2015 (Publication Date)
Episode 25: How to Teach ESL Listening (January 21st, 2022)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about how to teach ESL listening. This episode includes the following:
- An ESL listening lesson plan template
- ESL listening games and activities for all ages
- Tips & tricks
- Where to find listening passages and other helpful resources
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 116 Pages - 02/02/2020 (Publication Date)
Episode 24: ESL Speaking Activities and Games for Kids (January 7, 2022)
Jackie and Jennifer talk ESL speaking games and activities for kids. You’ll want to check out these engaging and interactive things to do with young learners in English classes today.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 92 Pages - 07/12/2015 (Publication Date)
Episode 23: Catherine Steele Talks Teaching English Pronunciation (December 17, 2021)
Jackie talks to Catherine Steele about teaching English pronunciation. It’s a tricky thing to teach but Catherine has some stellar tips for our listeners to do it better!
Episode 22: Fun Games to Play in Class for All Ages (December 3, 2021)
Jackie and Jennifer talk fun games to play in class. Try out these engaging and entertaining games with your students today to have a bit more fun in class!
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 187 Pages - 03/09/2016 (Publication Date)
Episode 21: Michelle Rotteau Talks SAT Prep (November 19, 2021)
Jennifer and Michelle talk about preparing students for high-level exams like the SAT, as well as teaching in South Korea and Canada.
Episode 20: Teaching ESL Speaking (November 5, 2021)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about how to teach ESL speaking, including some of their favourite English speaking activities and games, and how to plan an ESL speaking lesson. Teach English speaking the best way with all of these tips, tricks and ideas!
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 114 Pages - 05/30/2015 (Publication Date)
Episode 19: Teaching ESL Reading (October 29, 2021)
Jackie and Jennifer talk about everything ESL reading, including reading activities and games, general tips and tricks, along with how to plan an ESL reading lesson. Teach English reading to all ages and levels like a boss.
Episode 18: Sally Shares Tips for ESL Resumes, Cover Letters and Getting an English Teaching Job in Canada (October 15, 2021)
Jackie and Sally talk about making the transition from teaching in Korea to teaching English in Canada. Also, find out all the details you need to know about ESL resumes and cover letters as well as some pro tips for getting a job teaching ESL/EFL in Canada.
Episode 17: What to do when _____ Happens in your ESL/EFL Class (October 8, 2021)
The photocopier breaks. Students don’t have their books. You get a new class at the last minute. The material is too easy, or too difficult. You have too much time left over at the end of a lesson.
These are all common situations when teaching English but it doesn’t have to be a disaster. Jackie and Jennifer talk about how to handle these situations like a boss.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 68 Pages - 11/12/2019 (Publication Date)
Episode 16: Jigsaw (Information Gap) Activities and Games for ESL: Why and How (October 1, 2021)
Find out all the details you need to know about using jigsaw activities and games (also known as information gap activities) in the ESL/EFL classroom. We also talk about why you might want to consider using them, along with some tips and examples of activities to try out.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 99 Pages - 06/22/2021 (Publication Date)
Episode 15: Teaching in the Middle East with William Kennedy (Sept 17, 2021)
Join Jackie as she talks teaching English in the Middle East with William Kennedy, including job opportunities, countries, salaries, culture and more.
Episode 14: How to Make ESL Classrooms More Student-Centred (September 10, 2021)
Learn how to make your language learning classroom more student-centred and why this is important in the first place!
Episode 13: ESL Icebreakers (August 27, 2021)
Check out these fun, engaging and interactive ESL icebreaker games and activities so that you can get your classes started off on the right foot.
Episode 12: Teaching Young Learners (August 13, 2021)
Find out all the tips and tricks you need to know for teaching English to young learners with Jackie and Jennifer.
- Amazon Kindle Edition
- Smith, Jennifer Booker (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 86 Pages - 12/24/2015 (Publication Date)
Episode 11: Stephen-Peter Jinks and Teaching in Malaysia and Egypt (August 6, 2021).
Join Jackie, Jennifer and Jinks as they talk about teaching English in Korea and then find out more about Jinks’ adventures around the world, from teacher training in Malaysia to teaching English Lit in Egypt.
Episode 10: Maija and Teaching ESL in Ontario with the School Board (July 30, 2021).
Jackie talks with Maija, a certified teacher about teaching English to refugees in Ontario, Canada and how that’s different from her experiences teaching in South Korea.
Episode 9: Shannon Felt with Tips for Teaching English Online (July 23, 2021)
Jackie interviews Shannon Felt from TEFL Horizons about teaching ESL online. Learn how to make your online English teaching more engaging and student-centred with Shannon’s helpful tips. You can see her guide here: How to Teach English Online.
Episode 8: Brad Schmitz and Teaching English in Alaska (July 9, 2021)
Jennifer interviews Brad Schmitz from Alaska English Adventures about teaching ESL in Alaska! It’s a wild episode so come along for the ride.
Episode 7: Nicole and Teaching English Online and in Canada (July 2, 2021)
Jackie interviews Nicole about teaching ESL online and in Vancouver, Canada.
Episode 6: How to Teach Writing on the Let’s Talk TEFL Podcast (June 25, 2021)
Find out all the tips and tricks you need to know about teaching ESL writing to English learners with Jackie and Jennifer.
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 84 Pages - 12/09/2019 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Episode 5: Lucy and Teaching English in Russia (June 18, 2021)
Jackie interviews Lucy about teaching English in Russia for five years.
Episode 4: ESL Warmers (June 4, 2021)
Jackie and Jennifer talk ESL warm-ups.
- Bolen, Jackie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- Jackie Bolen (Publisher)
Episode 3: Noe Alonzo (May 28, 2021)
Jennifer interviews Noe Alonzo about teaching English in Korea.
Episode 2: Jackie Bolen (May 21, 2021)
Jackie’s experiences teaching English in Korea.
Episode 1: Jennifer Smith (May 14, 2021)
Jennifer’s experiences teaching English in South Korea. Check out the Let’s Talk TEFL podcast on YouTube:
Where to Find Jackie and Jennifer from the Let’s Talk TEFL Podcast
Want to get in touch? Say hello? Follow us on social media? Here are the links.
Jackie Around the Internet
Jennifer Around the Internet
You can find Jennifer here:
Questions, Comments, or Episode Suggestions for Let’s Talk TEFL?
If you want to get in touch with us at Let’s Talk TEFL, please email us (jb.online.business@gmail.com). We’d love to hear your ideas for episodes and we’ll do our best to cover them. If we don’t know a lot about it, we’ll find someone who does!
Oh, and if you like the show, please subscribe, leave a nice review and tell your friends. We’ll give you a virtual high-five!
Last update on 2022-07-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API